Deuteronomy 28
v1-14: God's blessing is promised to those who diligently "hear God speaking to them by his word," and who "observe and do all his commandments and... keep the commandments of God and walk in his ways." Not just occasionally, "but keep them forever." The Lord Jesus is the blessed man because He did, and God's blessing comes to us now in Him.
v15-44: The curse of God will come upon those who despise God, refusing to hear His voice, "as if what he said was not worth listening to"; who disobey God, "not doing his commandments, not following them"; and who desert God, "God never rejects us until we have first rejected him," which by nature we do. How we need the Lord Jesus to save us from the curse of hell.
v45-68: "We see how awful sin is, when it makes it necessary for the God of infinite goodness to be pleased to destroy his own creatures, even those who had been his [chosen people]."