Deuteronomy 18
v1-8: "Care is taken that the priests do not get involved in worldly matters, or become rich with the wealth of this world; they are to be concerned with better things." Not only that, care must be "taken that the priests should not lack any of the comforts and conveniences of this life." As the Israelites benefited from the work the priest did, they were responsible for providing the necessary support for them. "The people who receive the benefits of religious meetings ought to contribute to the support and maintenance of those who lead such meetings."
v9-14: Surely it wasn't "necessary to strengthen the people of Israel against the defilements of the idolatrous customs of the Canaanites." Surely it isn't necessary to strengthen the church today against evil practices of the surrounding culture. And yet it was and it is, "such is the power and deception of the rulers of the darkness of this world." Be on guard and "do all you can to lead blameless lives... to honour God, only him, and no other."
v15-22: Christ is the Prophet promised, "higher than all the prophets, by whom God would reveal himself and his will to the human race more fully and clearly than he had ever done before."
Deuteronomy 19
v1-13: There is a "spiritual fulfilment in Christ" of the command concerning the designation of three more cities as cities of refuge if Israel's borders were extended. Through the gospel the borders of spiritual Israel are extended, and "in Christ, the Lord our righteousness, refuge is provided for all those who by faith flee to him."
v14-21: "It is God's will that everyone should know what is their own," and we should "be content with our own lot."