Deuteronomy 14
v1-21: God's people have three wonderful privileges. They have been chosen by God, "not because of any goodness in themselves or because of any good works they might do, but because... [of] grace." They have been adopted by God, "recognised by him as his people... not because he needed children, but because they were orphans and needed a father." They have been sanctified, "set apart for God, devoted to his service, designed for his praise, governed by a holy law." In the light of these special blessings we enjoy, we are to be holy and not defile ourselves.
v22-29: "We must be sure to give God what is fully due to him from our possessions, for we are only stewards of them, and we must be faithful, as those who must give an account of how we have used them."
Deuteronomy 15
v1-11: The poor will always be with us and as we have opportunity, we are to be charitable. We should not "be reluctant to part with [our] money for... a good cause." We are not to think of doing this as money lost. We must not "be grudging in [our] kindness to [our] brothers and sisters.” Instead, we can "actually enjoy giving," when we consider that as we do, we "are honouring God with [our] resource in this way," and doing good, by making our "brothers and sisters comfortable."
v12-18: "God's tender care of us and his kindness toward us should make us care for and be kind to those who depend on us."
v19-23: "The frequent repetition of this warning" that they should not eat food with blood still in it, "shows how much the people needed it." We can praise God for his mercy "that we are not weighed down with this burden" and others which concern what food we eat and how we are to eat it.