Colossians 3:18-25
v18-19: The submission of wives is a "submission not to a harsh lord or despotic tyrant, who gives orders for his will to be done without restraints, but to a husband, and to her own husband," who is to love her "with a warm, tender, and faithful love, as Christ loved the church."
v20: "Children must be willing to do all their parent's lawful commands" because their parents are better able "to direct them than they are to direct themselves."
v21: "Parents must be caring and encouraging, just as children must be obedient." It is often "the bad attitude and example of unwise parents" that hinders the passing on of the faith to the next generation.
v22-24: Followers of Jesus who are employed, are to work hard for their employer in all things, not only when they are being supervised, because "they know they are under God's supervision." When we faithfully do our duty to others, we serve Christ, "and he will be the One who repays" with "a glorious reward at the last day."
Colossians 4:1
v1: Christian employers are to ask no more of their employees "than they are able to do," nor are they to "place unreasonable burdens on them... that are beyond their strength." They are to be faithful in giving to them what they are owed for their labour.