Colossians 3:12-17
v12-14: Not only are we to stop doing wrong, we are also to learn to do right. Not only are we not to harm anyone, we are also to do what good we can for everyone. This means showing "compassion toward those in misery"; "kindness toward our friends and anyone who loves us"; being "in submission to those above us and gracious to those below us"; "gentleness toward those who have provoked us or harmed us in any way"; "patience toward those who continue to provoke us"; "bearing with one another in consideration of the weakness and deficiencies that we suffer from"; and "a readiness to forgive wrongs."
v15: It is a privilege "to have peace with God" and it our duty to have "peace with our brothers and sisters."
v16: The word of Christ is to dwell in us. "We must take our instructions and directions" from it and use it "to build up others." One way in which we do this is by singing psalms and other spiritual hymns and songs.
v17: Everything we do is to be "according to [Christ's] command and in submission to his authority, by power derived from him, looking to his glory, and depending on his merit for the acceptance of what is good and the forgiveness of what is wrong."