Colossians 2:8-15
v8: We need to be warned about any philosophy which "sets up human wisdom as a rival to God's wisdom" or which mixes worldly philosophy with Christianity because this destroys faith and will leads us away from following Christ.
v9-10: "The fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ really, not figuratively, because he is both divine and human." He declares the Father to us more clearly, than any previous revelation of God in the Old Testament.
v11-13: Our baptism signifies we are united to Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection. "Christ's death was the death of our sins" so we must put to death the sin in our lives. "Christ's resurrection gives life to our souls" so we must live a new life of righteousness. Christ has taken away both "the guilt of sin" and has broken "its controlling power" over us.
v14: Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by being a curse for us, so that now the judgment threatening eternal ruin for us has been removed. "When he was nailed to the cross, the curse was, as it were, nailed to the cross as well."
v15: When Jesus died on the cross, He didn't just remove the curse of the law which was against us, He also "obtained a glorious victory for us over the powers of darkness" by redeeming us "powerfully and boldly out of the hands of Satan" and out of His kingdom.