Colossians 2:16-23
v16-17: The ceremonial laws of the Old Testament are no longer binding on us as Christians in the way they were for the Jews. These laws were "only types and shadows of Christ and the Gospel" so to continue in them is to suggest "that Christ has not yet come and the Gospel age has not yet begun."
v18-19: The worship of angels as mediators between God and us appears "to be an act of humility," reflecting an awareness "of our own unworthiness to speak directly to God." But this is a "false humility," a "self-imposed humility," and not "a commanded humility." It robs Christ of the glory that is due to Him as the only mediator between God and man. There is to be no mediator other than Jesus, not an angel, a priest, a saint, or even Mary.
v20-23: "The Gospel teaches us to worship God in spirit and truth, not by ritual observances, and only through the mediation of Christ." It would be wise for us to stick only to what Christ, the head of the church, has commanded us about how we are to worship God.