Colossians 2:1-5
v1: Not knowing personally, or never having contact with other churches and Christians does not stop us from thinking about, praying for, and being concerned for them. "Those we never saw in the flesh we may hope to meet in heaven."
v2-3: The great concern we should have for other believers is for their hearts to be encouraged. This happens when their knowledge and understanding of the mystery (the salvation of the Gentiles through faith in Christ) and their fellowship with other Christians grows. "The stronger our faith, and the warmer our love, the greater our encouragement."
v4: False teachers, "aim to take people captive" by deceiving them "with enticing words (fine-sounding arguments)." We need to be aware and afraid of those "of those who seek to entice you to any evil, because what they aim at is to take you captive.”
v5: "The firmer our faith in Christ, the better order there will be in our whole way of life, because we live and walk by faith." Whenever we hear about followers of Jesus standing firm in the faith and "firm loyalty to the Christian way of life," it is right that we rejoice.