Colossians 1:9-14
v9-10: What should we pray for one another? We should pray that we would be filled with the knowledge of the will of God "in order to do it, to apply it, work it out, and put it into practice" and for wisdom to know how to put this into practice in "particular occasions."
v11: "To be strengthened is to be supplied by the grace of God with his resources for every good work, and strengthened by that grace against every evil work."
v12: If we are not His saints on earth, we will never be His saints in heaven. If we have the inheritance of saints, we will have the character of saints.
v13-14: Dwell on the work of grace that God has done in us. "He has rescued us from the state of ungodly evil and darkness. He has saved us from the power of sin, which is darkness, from the rule of Satan, who is the prince of darkness, and from the condemnation of hell, which is utter darkness." He has transferred us into the kingdom of Christ, making us members of His church, and is preparing us "for the eternal happiness of heaven."