Acts 26

v1-11: Paul thought he was serving God by persecuting followers of Jesus. "This shows us that it is possible for people to be confident they are doing right when they are clearly doing wrong, and for those who are wilfully persisting in the greatest sin to think they are doing their duty."

v12-23: Sinners need to be brought from darkness to light and from under the power of Satan to God.  The gospel opens eyes to see, by revealing the truth about God and the way to God through Christ.  The gospel renews their hearts bringing them into submission to God, "so that they conform to the rules of his word and comply with the dictates and directions of his Spirit."

v24-32: It is possible for someone to see the proof for Christianity as strong and reasonable and to be unable to come up with any objections to it, and yet still only be almost persuaded by the truth of the gospel.