2 Timothy 3:10-13
v10-11: When training future leaders for Christ's church, attention needs to be given to their teaching, conduct, purpose, faith, patience, love, and endurance in face of persecution and suffering. Their teaching is to be "the whole will of God." Their way of life needs to be "consistent with [their] teaching" and "not contradict it." Their aim should be "the glory of God and the good of people's souls." Their character must be marked by "integrity and faithfulness," patience towards those they preach to and lead, "love toward all," and endurance when they suffer "wrong for doing well."
v12: Those who profess faith in Christ and want to live a godly life will suffer persecution. "Persecution will not always be the same" for every follower of Jesus but "those who have decided to wear the uniform and bear the name of the crucified Redeemer" must expect it to come.
v13: Just as believers, by the grace of God, grow to become more like Christ, so also unbelievers, "through the subtlety of Satan and the power of their own corruptions" grow in their sinfulness. "The way of sin is downhill."