2 Timothy 2:8-13
v8-9: "Preachers of the word are often in chains," but "the word never is." Persecution may silence or restrain preachers, "but they cannot prevent the operation of the word of God on human hearts and consciences."
v10: "Next to the salvation of our own souls, we should be willing to do and suffer anything to advance the salvation of the souls of others." We can be assured that God will use our service for Him to benefit His people "to strengthen and encourage them."
v11-13: Jesus is "faithful to his threats" and He is "faithful to his promises." If we "remain faithful to Christ and to his truths and his ways, whatever it may cost" us, "he will certainly be faithful to us" and will reward us for this in a better world where we will "be with him forever." If we are unfaithful to him, "he will be faithful to his threats" and will deny us before his Father.