2 Timothy 2:20-26
v20-21: The church is like a well-furnished house with some of the furniture being of great value and other of little value. There are instruments who bring honour to the church by their devotion to Christ and holy living, while others bring dishonour "by their corrupt opinions and evil lives." If we are to be instruments of honour and fit for our Master's use, "we must cleanse ourselves from corruption and wickedness."
v22: We must not think we are safe from the evil desires of youth like "the lusts of the flesh," which is why we need to be warned to flee from them. An excellent antidote against them, is to pursue righteousness, faith, and love, and to maintain fellowship with believers because this "will take us away from... fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness."
v23: It is "remarkable how often... the apostle warns Timothy against disputes in religion." This shows how important it is for us to focus on "believing and practicing what God requires" and to avoid getting caught up in quarrels over non-essential matters.
24-26: Those who are in error needed be instructed with the Scripture. "The same God who" reveals "the truth, brings us by his grace to acknowledge it." This is "how sinners come to their senses and escape from the trap of Satan," otherwise they would continue in opposition to the truth. Pray that God would be gracious to them.