2 Thessalonians 1:9-10
v9: "Although sinners may be reprieved for a long time, they will be punished eventually," for "they did the work of sin and must therefore receive the wages of sin." This punishment will be the destruction, "not of their existence, but of their happiness." This punishment will be eternal, "they will always be dying, but never die." The only way for sinners to avoid this fate is for them to turn from their sins and trust in Jesus. Have you done this?
v10: For those who have believed and obeyed the gospel, Jesus' return to judge will be a joyful day. His people will "marvel at the wonders of his power and goodness toward them" and they will glorify His grace. "Just as his wrath and power will be made known in and by the destruction of his enemies, so his grace and power will be exalted in the salvation of his saints."