It could be that this is “a canonical letter written, chiefly, not to a church but to an individual - and to a woman.” Yet it more likely that the elect lady and her children refers to a local church and its members. The apostle John greets this local church, “warns them of deceivers… to keep watch over themselves,” and teaches “them how to deal with those who do not bring the teaching of Christ.”
2 John 1-4
v1-2: The apostle John calls himself, the elder, showing that “he was now old in holy service and experience,” and “was much nearer to heaven than when he believed in the beginning.” He loves this local church full of “those who loved the Lord who loved him.” It was their love for the Lord and living faith in Him that produced this affection John had for them. “Those who love truth and godliness in themselves should love it in others to, or love others because of it.”
v3: John’s desire is that this church would receive from God, grace, which is “divine favour and goodwill”; mercy, which is, “free pardon and forgiveness”; and peace, which is, an assurance of “reconciliation with God.” It is right to desire this for the local church you are part of because “these blessings will continually preserve true faith and love” in them.
v4: What a joy it is when you see members of church walking in the truth. “Our walk is true, our life right, when it is directed by the word of God.”