2 Corinthians 7
v1-4: God's promises to us are a strong motivator to live a holy life, which involves both dying to sin and living for righteousness. "There are sins of the flesh, which are committed with the body, and sins of the spirit, spiritual evils, and we must cleanse ourselves from the filthiness of both, because God is to be glorified with both body and soul." Though we will always fall short of sinless perfection in this life, we must continue to seek to be holy as God is holy and perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect.
v5-11: There is difference between godly sorrow and worldly sorrow. Godly sorrow is a sorrow "for sin as an offence against God, as an instance of ingratitude, and as a loss of the right to God's favour." Godly sorrow comes from God and produces repentance which leads to reformation and ends in salvation. It is sorrow that produces in us "a concern to avoid sin and please God."
v12-16: "Great comfort and joy follow godly sorrow. Just as sin brings general grief, so repentance and reformation bring general joy."