2 Corinthians 11:1-15
v1-4: "Faithful ministers must be afraid and concerned for their people, that the people will not lose what they have received and turn away from what they have accepted." It is good to have elders who love you and who will pursue you if they see you backsliding in your faith and drifting away from Christ or if you are being deceived by false teaching and believing what is error.
v5-15: In the Old Testament the false prophets wore the clothes and spoke the language of the true prophets of God. In the New Testament the false apostle were in many ways like the true apostles of Christ. In the church today, there are false teachers who appear to be like those who faithfully teach His Word. This is because "just as Satan can turn himself into any shape, put on almost any form, and look sometimes like an angel of light in order to advance his kingdom of darkness, so he will teach his ministers and instruments to do that same." So, be on guard.