1 Timothy 5:17-25
v17-18: Elders are responsible for both directing the affairs of the church and for preaching and teaching, "though some might be more concerned with preaching and teaching than others." Double honour, "respect and maintenance," is due to those who labour at this work. "Let the elders whose work is preaching and teaching be well provided for."
v19-20: "Care should be taken" when an allegation is made against an elder, and it is not to be entertained unless "the thing alleged against him is well proved." If proved, their sin must be rebuked publicly for the good of others, to warn "those who are in danger of sinning by following [their] example," as well as for the good of the elder rebuked.
v21: "Ministers must give an account to God and the Lord Jesus Christ as to... how they have attended to all the things entrusted to them." Knowing this, should cause them to take care not to show favouritism in their ministry, "to prefer one person to another for any worldly reason."
v22: Before appointing a man to the role of elder or pastor, it is important to "take time to test a person's sincerity in repentance" and to assess their "gifts and graces, their abilities and qualifications for it."
v23: "It is the will of God that people take... care of their bodies" so that they are "most helpful to us in the service of God."
v24-25: "Some people's sins are so plain and obvious that there is no dispute about bringing them under the discipline of the church... so that they may be led to correction." Other sins take time to appear. "The same is true of the evidence of repentance."