1 Timothy 3:1-7
v1: Christ has given to local churches men to serve as overseers (elders). Those appointed by Him to this role should both desire to serve in this way to bring glory to God and do good to people's souls, and be diligent in carrying out this good work.
v2a: Overseers must be blameless (this does not mean they are sinless). They "must not be thought of in connection with any scandal" and "give as little cause for blame as possible, because this would harm [their] ministry and would bring shame on [their] office."
v2b-7: Looking down the list of qualifications we have reason "to cry out, as Paul does, Who is sufficient for these things?" because "what godliness, what wisdom, what zeal, what courage, what faithfulness, what watchfulness over... [their] sinful desires, appetites, and passions, and over those who are [their] responsibility" is required by those who serve as overseers. We can be assured that those who Christ appoints to be overseers, He will be with, and if He is with them, He will equip them for the work, take them through its difficulties with comfort, graciously forgive their imperfections, and reward their faithfulness. "If God is pleased to make anyone to some extent able and faithful, let God receive the praise and glory for it."