1 Timothy 1:12-17
v12: "It is Christ's work to put people into the ministry," and those He does, He equips with "not only ability but also faithfulness." Both "those who are called" and those who benefit from their ministry "should give thanks to Jesus Christ" for this.
v13-14: "What we do ignorantly is less a crime than what we do knowingly, and yet a sin of ignorance is a sin" and needs to be truly repented of.
v15: The gospel is "true and dependable words, words that can be relied on," and words that "deserves to be received, to be believed by us all, for our comfort, strength, and encouragement." It can be summarised as "Jesus Christ came into the world. The Son of God took on himself our nature. He was made a human being and lived among us." The reason why Jesus came into the world was "not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. His mission into the world was to seek and find, and so save, those that were lost."
v16-17: "God's gracious dealings with us should fill us with wonder at his glorious attributes. He is eternal, without beginning of days or end of life or change of time... He is immortal, and the origin of immortality," for "only he has immortality, because he cannot die. He is invisible, for he cannot be seen with mortal eyes, living in the light that no one can approach," and "He is the only wise God. Only he is infinitely wise, and he is the fountain of all wisdom." If "we have found God to be good, we must not forget to declare that he is also great."