1 Peter 5:1-4
v1-3: The duty of pastors and elders is threefold. They are “to feed the flock by preaching to them the... word of God and guiding them according to” what “the word of God prescribes.” They are to exercise “personal care and watchfulness over all the flock committed to their charge.” They are “to be examples to the flock, practicing the holiness, self-denial, and all other Christian duties that they preach and commend to their people.” These duties are to be done willingly, not out of greed for money, and “with love, humility, and tenderness, for the sake of the One to whom they belong.”
v4: Jesus Christ is the chief Shepherd. He is the chief Shepherd of the whole flock because “He bought them, and he guides them,” and “he defends and saves them forever.” He is also the chief Shepherd over all pastors and elders, these lesser shepherds, “who derive their authority from him, act in his name, and are ultimately accountable to him” as to whether they have faithfully done their duty.