1 Peter 3:1-7
v1-2: How wives live with their husband, especially if they are unbelieving, matters. “Purity of life, with due and proper respect to everyone, is an excellent means of winning them to the faith of the Gospel and obedience to the Word.”
v3-4: If we profess faith in Jesus, we should take care that the way we behave corresponds to our profession. This includes the way we dress which can easily become “worldly and excessive.” A warning is given here of become “proud” of the way we dress, “and puffed up with it,” or dressing “with the purpose of attracting and tempting others.” Remember that what is on the inside, like “a gentle, composed, and calm spirit,” is what makes us “beautiful and lovely” in the sight of God.
v5-6: “The submission of wives to their husband” is what godly women have done in all ages. But this submission should not be done “out of fear or because they are forced, but from a willing mind and in obedience to the command of God.” It is to spring “from a desire to do well and to please God.”
v7: Husbands are to show honour to their wife. To show honour means “giving her proper respect and maintaining her authority, protecting her person, supporting her reputation, delighting in her conversation, supporting her well, and placing an appropriate trust and confidence in her.”