1 John 5:1-5
v1-2: We show that we truly love God “when we carry out his commandments.”
v3: God’s commands are not a burden but “are made easy and pleasant to us,” when remember that the One who gave them love us, and has given them to us because He wants what is best for us.
v4: Faith gives us victory over the world, because “by faith we cling to Christ, in defiance of and in opposition to the world”; by faith we love God more than we love the world; by faith our hearts are purified “from those sinful desires by which the world gains such influence over souls”; and by faith in the Son of God, we receive “strength for conquering the frowns and flatteries of the world.”
v5: “It is the world that lies in our way to heaven and is the great hindrance to our entering it,” but if we believe that Jesus is the Son of God, we believe “that Jesus came from God to be the Saviour of the world, and to powerfully lead us from this world to heaven and to God, who is to be enjoyed fully there.”