1 John 2:18-27
v18-19: We are living at a time when there are “many who oppose the person, doctrine, and kingdom of Christ,” and there will be within the church those who may for a time appear to be “true and real Christians,” but show that they are not by departing from the faith and leaving the community of the faith.
v20-23: The Lord Jesus Christ gives us His Holy Spirit to make us “like himself” and to keep us “secure in him.” This anointing by Christ with the Spirit “enlightens and strengthens” our understanding of the truth “against antichristian error and delusion,” the “great and harmful lies” that the devil spreads about the person of Christ.
v24-25: “The truth about Christ that was originally delivered to the saints is not to be exchanged for novelties.” The apostles who preached the gospel were so sure that it was true, that when they were faced with suffering, “they were unwilling to give it all up.” It is so valuable, that God “is pleased to promise eternal life to those who remain in the truth.”
v26-27: “True Christians have an inner confirmation of the divine truth they have taken in, the Holy Spirit has imprinted it on their minds and hearts.” He “places a restraint on your minds and hearts, so that you may not rebel from him.”