1 John 2:15-17
v15: The temptation for followers of Jesus to love the world is strong. “The more the love of the world triumphs” in the heart of a disciple, “the more the love of God decreases,” for “the human heart is limited and cannot contain both loves.”
v16: The things of this world appeal to “the three main inclinations” of our sinful nature. They appeal to the lust of the flesh, the “inclination to indulge, and an appetite for indulging, in fleshly pleasures, and… all those things that arouse and inflame the pleasures of the flesh.”; to the lust of the eyes, which craves treasures, riches and rich possessions; and to the pride of life, “the ambition and thirst for honour and applause,” and being “flattered by shouts of admiration and praise.”
v17: To love the things of this world is to give our hearts to pleasures that are “fading and dying,” and which will one day be gone. But because God lives forever, those who make Him the object of their love, will live forever.