1 John 1:3-4
v3: Why did someone tell you the good news about Jesus? It is for the same reason that the apostles, the first followers of Jesus, passed it on to others. They wanted you to enjoy the blessing of fellowship with God. So, that like the apostles and everyone else who has repented of their sins and trusted in Jesus, you can know God as your God, and know His presence with you, and be assured that your eternal home is with Him.
v4: Is your life marked by joy? “It should be a great joy to us that the eternal Son would come to seek and save us, that he has made full atonement for our sins, that he has conquered sin and death and hell, that he lives as our Intercessor and Advocate with the Father, and that he will come again to perfect and glorify his persevering believers.” We should rejoice because of our “relationship with God as his sons and heirs, his dear adopted ones,” and because of our “relationship with the Son,” as “members of his precious body and coheirs with him,” and because we have been forgiven and adopted, are being sanctified, and will be glorified.