1 Corinthians 4

v1-6: There is a danger we face regarding how we view those serve as pastors.  It is the danger of extremes, either overvaluing them or undervaluing them.  They are not to be overvalued for they are "ministers, not masters; stewards, not lords... servants of Christ, nothing more."  But neither are they to be undervalued for although they are ministers, they are ministers of Christ, who gives them as gifts to the church.

v7-13: None of us have any "reason to be proud of our achievements, enjoyments, or actions; all that we have, are, or do that is good is owing to the free and rich grace of God."  This means that boasting is excluded.  "We have nothing that we can properly call our own: all we have has been received from God.  It is foolish, therefore, and wrongful to him, to boast about it."

v14-16: Pastors and church leaders are to set an example for the flock under their care, living "in such a way that their people may see them as models and justly follow their example."  They are not just to lead and guide the church only by their words, but also by their lives.  Church members should follow their example "as far as they are satisfied their ministers follow Christ in faith and practice."

v17-21: We need to be reminded of what we have been taught about Christ because we are prone to forget or slow to learn.  "The same truth, taught over again, even if it gives no new light, may make a new and quicker impression."