1 Corinthians 14

v1-5: Every gift from God is to be thankfully received and used for God's glory.  But the best gifts that are to be valued the most are those which do not only edify ourselves, but which edify the church.  This is why prophesy was to be desired more than tongues.

v6-14: What takes place in a church service needs to be understandable so that everyone present can join in. "This shows us that it should be the concern of those who pray in public to pray intelligibly, not in a foreign language, nor in a language that, if not foreign, is above the level of their audience."

v15-20: "Everyone should say 'Amen' inwardly, and it is not improper to show this inner agreement in public prayers and devotions by an audible 'Amen'."  How can those who gather to worship do that if they do not understand what it is that has been prayed?

v21-25: If an unbeliever who turn up at a church service is to be saved, they need to hear the truth of the gospel in a language they can understand. "Scripture - truth, clearly, directly, and properly taught, has a marvellous tendency to awaken the conscience and touch the heart."

v26-40: When we gather as a church to worship God, a mark of this meeting should be order because the God we have come to worship is a God of order.  Nothing should be done that would cause confusion or chaos.  "All parts of divine worship should be carried on in a serious, adult, rational, composed, and orderly way."