1 Corinthians 10
v1-14: The example of Israel "shows us that people may enjoy many and great spiritual privileges in this world and yet fall short of eternal life." This is a warning to us about committing the same sins they committed of setting our hearts on material things, idolatry, sexual immorality, testing Christ, and grumbling. We are most likely to do this "when we are most confident of our strength and when we tend to be most secure and off our guard." Here is an encouragement to distrust ourselves and be all the more watchful and dependent on God, as the "best protection from all sin."
v15-22: Partaking in the Lord's Supper is to have fellowship with God and to share in the privileges, and place ourselves under the obligations that result from the death and sacrifice of Christ. Those who truly eat and drink by faith are publicly showing that they belong to God "and the blessed family of his people and worshippers."
v23-33: When we are lacking particular and explicit rules for what we are to do in certain situations, we are to be guided by this general rule of Christian behaviour which is that in all we do, "we should aim at the glory of God, at pleasing and honouring him," and for the good of our neighbours.