Church Anniversary – Some things don’t change

Powerpoint Pictures: Tony Blair; Gordon Brown; Premier League Badge; Championship Badge; U2; Black Eyed Peas; X-Factor Judges Past and Present; Norwich Union Logo; Aviva Logo

5 years ago Banstead Community Church started.  [This children’s talk was given on 22nd November 2009].  In 5 years, lots of changes have happened in this country:

Who was Prime Minister 5 years ago?  [Tony Blair].  Who is Prime Minister today? [Gordon Brown].

Which league were Crystal Palace playing football in 5 years ago? [Premier League].  Which league are Crystal Palace playing in today? [Championship].

Which band was number 1 in the singles chart 5 years ago? [U2 – Vertigo].  Which band is number 1 today?  [Black Eyed Peas – Meet Me Halfway].

Who were the X-Factor judges 5 years ago? [Simon Cowell, Sharon Osbourne, Louis Walsh].  Who are they today? [Simon Cowell, Danni Minogue, Cheryl Cole, Louis Walsh].

Can anyone think of a company or group that has changed it name in the last 5 years? [One I came up with was Norwich Union to Aviva].

5 years ago Banstead Community Church was started, and in the last 5 years there have been a number of changes in the church.  People have come and gone.  Groups have started up and stopped.  Leaders changed.  But in this time some things haven’t changed.

Hebrews 13:8 tells us what one of these things is: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever.”

Jesus is unchanging.

Jesus is the Saviour.  He was yesterday and today and tomorrow as people place their trust in Him and for ever because in the future He will take people to be with Him in the new creation.

Jesus is the King.  The One who rules over His people.  It’s a perfect rule.  He tells us how to live in a way that’ll make us truly happy.  That was the case yesterday, and today, and will be tomorrow and in the future.

Jesus is the head of the church.  He promised to build a people.  “I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” (Matthew 16:18).  That’s what He’s been doing yesterday, is doing today, and will be doing tomorrow.  He promised to be with His people.  “I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20).

This is good news!