Hymn of the Month – All hail the power of Jesus’ Name

Powerpoint Pictures: Video of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II

Watch the following video.  It is of something that happened before I was born.  In fact, it actually happened over 67 years ago.

It was a really important event in the history of this country.

What is happening in the video?

It is the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.  Her father, King George VI had died and Elizabeth became queen, and this is moment that formally marked that occasion.

And because she is queen, we are to respond to her in certain ways.  We are to address her as, “Your majesty”.  Men are to give her a neck bow and women a small curtsy.

Now as impressive as the Queen’s coronation was, it simply doesn’t compare to another coronation that has taken place.

The most impressive, glorious, majestic one of all.

The coronation of King Jesus when he sat down on the throne in heaven.

When did this happen?

*“After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.” (Hebrews 1:3)*

This coronation took place after Jesus took on flesh, lived a perfect sinless life, died on the cross to save people from their sins, and rose again defeating death and opening up the way for people to live with Him in heaven.

After Jesus did that, He ascended into heaven and there he now reigns as King of kings.

And because he is king, we are respond to him by calling him King and praising Him with our lives and our lives.

Our ‘Hymn of the Month’ is one that reminds us that Jesus is the King and the right way to respond to him is say that He is our King by what we say and do.

The hymn goes like this.

*All hail the power of Jesus’ name!Let angels prostrate fall.Bring forth the royal diadem,and crown Him Lord of all.*

This first verse tells us we are to acknowledge, like the angels of heaven, that Jesus has all authority, by saying Jesus, you are the King.