Powerpoint Pictures: The following names: Sophia; Jack; Emily; Harry; Olivia; Daniel; Saul

Think about your name for a moment.  Do you know what your name means?

Here’s what some of the most popular names in the UK mean:

Sophia – wisdom.

Jack – holder of the heel.

Emily – industrious.

Harry – Swedish means rules the home.

Olivia – from olive which is a symbol of peace.

Daniel – God is my judge.

Today we’re going to meet a man called Saul.  His name means chosen by God.

Saul was not a follower of Jesus and thought that he had been chosen by God to stop followers of Jesus telling other people about Jesus, something that was happening in Jerusalem, and in Judea and Samaria.

Saul hated Christians and had them put in prison.

One day Saul was on his way to a place called Damascus to arrest any Christians he found there.  On the way, something surprising happened.  He saw a bright light which blinded him and he heard Jesus talking to him.  Jesus told him to go to Damascus where he would be told what to do.

In Damascus, Saul met a Christian named Ananias, who told him that he had been chosen by God not to stop followers of Jesus tells other people about Jesus, but to tell other people about Jesus himself, especially those around the world (Gentiles).

“This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel.” (Acts 9:15)

After this Saul was able to see again and soon he was off with his friends to different parts of Europe telling people about Jesus.

News about Jesus spread all over Europe, and some of those who heard about Jesus became his followers went to other parts of the world, to Africa and Asia and North and South America.

The good news of Jesus went to the ends of the earth and continues to do so today until…