Powerpoint Pictures: Ball; Piece of Paper; Rubber Band; Bubbles; Child

What will happen when I throw these different things up in the air? [Ball; Piece of Paper; Rubber Band; Bubbles; A Child]

They will come back down.

What goes up, must come down, and that is true of the Lord Jesus too, because after His resurrection, He spent 40 days proving to His disciples that He really was alive, then after this He went up.

Jesus didn’t die. No, He went up to heaven. And His disciples watched Him go. They saw Him get taken up and then a cloud hide Him from their sight.

Jesus had returned to heaven.

As the disciples stood starring into the sky, (you would, wouldn’t you?), two angels appeared next to them.

“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:11)

Jesus has gone back into heaven, but one day He will return. What goes up, must come down!

But in the meantime, the disciples had something to do. They needed to tell everyone that He was alive, but before they could get on with the plan of telling people in Jerusalem, then Judea and Samaria, before moving onto the ends of the earth, they needed to wait.

Wait for the Holy Spirit to come and help them do this. So the disciples returned to Jerusalem and waited for the Holy Spirit to arrive.

10 days later something incredible happened.