The Apostles’ Creed (Part 5) – Almighty
<aside> 💡 This man here is Tom Stiltman. He’s from the UK. And he is currently the world’s strongest man. This means he has shown himself to be stronger than other strong men in a competition where he had to do things like Atlas Stones, Deadlift, and pull vehicles along. You might use words to describe him like strong, powerful, and mighty. But a word that you will never use of him is almighty. That is all powerful - able to do everything that he wants.
This word “almighty” is the next word to appear in the Apostles’ Creed.
This summary of what the Bible teaches and the truths that Christians believe.
We’ve seen that Christians believe in God. Not just any God, a specific one. A God who is Trinity - Father, Son and Holy.
God is Father because He has a Son - Jesus who has always and eternally been the Son.
And Christians show they believe in God the Father when they pray, “Our Father.”
But when we pray we don’t just believe God is our Father, we believe that He is the Father Almighty.
“I believe in God the Father Almighty.”
We believe that God is Almighty.
“When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him, saying, “I am God Almighty.” (Genesis 17:1)
That He is all powerful.
That He can do everything He wants to do.
This is the God we believe in.
We pray our Father in heaven. He is not only willing to answer our prayers but he is able to.
And because He is almighty God He will never let us down.
So we can trust in Him.
This is the God who we believe in. A God who is personal, He is our Father, and powerful, He is almighty.