Powerpoint Pictures: Sun; Snow; Roast Dinner; Ice Cream Sundae; Puppy; Kitten; Shower; Bath; Someone reading a book; Someone watching TV

Which of the following do you love the most? Sun or snow; Main course or pudding; Puppies or kittens; Showers or baths; reading a book or watching TV.

In a choice between God and false gods Solomon appeared to love God the most. It looked like he might be the king that God promised who would reign forever.

“Solomon showed his love for the LORD.” (1 Kings 3:3)

He asked God for wisdom to rule wisely and he built a special building called the Temple where God would live among His people.

Sadly Solomon wasn’t this king who would reign forever.

Solomon knew that God’s people were not to marry someone from the other nations and also as the king he was not to have many wives. The reason God had given this rule was because it would lead them to start loving other gods.

But what did Solomon do?

Solomon had 700 wives and 300 girlfriend. He married women from other nations. And look what happened: “As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God.” (1 Kings 11:4)

God was not happy. He punished Solomon. God said that after he dies, his kingdom would be divided in two (Israel in the north and Judah in the south), and Solomon’s son would only have Judah to rule over. There would be another king in the north.

Solomon wasn’t the king God promised who would reign forever. Would it be one of the kings who would reign over Israel and Judah?